CO3 Chief Officers 3rd Sector
Chief Officers 3rd Sector (CO3) is a membership organisation for leaders of charities and voluntary groups in Northern Ireland. CO3 is an accredited Investor in People, operating since 1985 with over 300 members. CO3 delivers a broad range of activities to develop the leadership skills and capabilities of leaders in the voluntary/community sector. We provide advice, information, support, peer networking, and a range of bespoke training and events.
As part of this support package CO3 offers a bespoke mentoring programme to help leaders in the voluntary /community sector to benefit from the experience and knowledge of their peers either from within their own sector or from the public or private sectors. The CO3 Mentoring Programme enables leaders to continue their personal development journey, to share best practice, and so deliver real benefits back into their organisations and to the communities in which they operate.
Now in its 6th year, the CO3 Mentoring Programme matches leaders with other leaders on a project or issue specific basis for a 12 month period. CO3 manages the process which involves recruiting both mentors and mentees; providing information and training to these Mentees and Mentors; managing the application and matching process; and supporting the mentoring relationships throughout the 12 month period.
The success of CO3’s Mentoring programme is evidenced by the large number of successful mentoring relationships which have been formed, with over 120 participants to date and growing steadily.
The Volunteer Centre
34 Shaftesbury Square
Northern Ireland
T: 028 9024 5356