Young Entrepreneur Society
The YES Network is Britain’s first and only networking organisation in the UK for young entrepreneurs under the age of 35 and launched in London in April 2011. Formed by Carly Ward, CEO & Founder of Young Entrepreneur Society, the network meetings are held bi-monthly and offer a host of benefits in addition to spectacular meetings with celebrity entrepreneurs as guest speakers. The meetings have Business Advisers at every event, these are highly experienced individuals offering their time free of charge to attendees to help them with any pressing questions and members can appoint a mentor to help them take their business to the next level. New entrepreneurs can also take the YES 12 Steps to Success Programme, an online course that is now a nationally recognised qualification. The network offers a platform for young entrepreneurs to meet, socialise, learn and grow together in a superb environment and a relaxed, fun atmosphere. Expansion plans are in place to open venues in other parts of the UK during 2012 to ignite and accelerate the next generation of entrepreneurs, Britain’s future employment creators.
Young Entrepreneur Society is active in schools and colleges with their 12 Steps to Success Programme which teaches young people entrepreneurial and life skills and is also a Partner in the DWP Work Programme for East London teaching young unemployed people how to start a business and what running a business entails.
Carly Ward is a young entrepreneur herself at 22 years old and formed the company when she was 19 with a small loan from The Prince’s Trust. She is now a Young Ambassador for The Prince’s Trust in the South of England.
1st Floor Barclays House
Gatehouse Way
HP17 8UW
T: 0845 0743502