Elizabeth Toogood Critical Friend

Elizabeth Toogood has been mentoring both operational or general managers/directors and HR specialists throughout her own management career. She works with a wide range of people but typically those facing the challenge of a new role particularly taking on strategic responsibility whether in another organisation or growing their own business. Her geographical coverage is within 60 minutes drive of Bedford though she prefers mentees to come out of their own business environment to talk. Her business ethic is to offer high levels of challenge but also high levels of support as people unpick the business issues that face them. She works holistically as rarely do issues only affect business life. She offers an objective and non competitive environment for people who want to grow and develop themselves.

Frequency of meeting depends on how the mentee wants to work. Fees are based on a person’s own hourly rate.

Elizabeth Toogood Critical Friend


50 Byron Crescent
MK40 2BD

T: 01234 273644 or 07968 822275

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Face to Face Mentoring Telephone mentoring service Commercial mentoring service