Lonely At The Top Coaching

Claim your free 28 page Information guide “The 7 Stages To Build A Brilliant Business” available through our website www.lonelyatthetopcoaching.co.uk

As partner of Lonely At The Top Coaching, my role is to engage and inspire owners of SME’s (5-99 employees) to generate wealth and fulfillment from their enterprise(s).

A qualified, MASTER Business Performance Coach with more than 2500 chargeable hours experience coaching owners of UK SME’s (5-250 employees) and their teams in:

  • Leadership and Management;
  • Financial Leadership (optimising the corporate structure of the business to incentivise and better reward the team);
  • Sales;
  • Marketing;
  • Team Building;
  • Recruitment;
  • Performance Appraisal;
  • Systems & Business Development and Customer Service for better business profits.

This frequently involves developing the company’s growth vision and strategy (examples available). Results have included an 80% increase in profits from one client and another with a 227% increase in sales over a 6 month period (client testimonials are available). 

Assignments range from 3-36 months.  Coaching is mainly one to one with some group coaching as well.  I follow a proven 7 Stage system providing guiding principles to ensure the business is sustainable prior to implementation of the growth strategy.

Lonely At The Top Coaching


Shorehill House
Long Mill Lane
TN15 0QS

T: 01732 811193 or 07887 876 896

Email us - Visit web site

Face to Face Mentoring Telephone mentoring service Commercial mentoring service