First Steps Ltd
Pathfinder Mentor offers business mentoring especially but not exclusively to those with a first or higher degree who wish develop a second income or to start their own business, based on their knowledge and experience. The mentoring service provided is founded on over 30years’ experience as a research scientist within the university sector (UK, France and Germany), and almost 15 years experience (as of 2014) of running my own business in the UK based on these skills. I have higher degrees in science, am a PhD and Chartered, and have trained as a Business Mentor, certifying also as a Career Coach and a Digital Coach. The mentoring I provide includes the crucial first steps in identifying and consolidating the business idea, its market and its competition, and then supporting it with website planning, appropriate marketing and social media strategies. Pathfinder Mentor works in tandem with other professionals so that a wide area of services can be covered by those with the specialist skills required. My own specialisation includes a familiarity with those from this milieu be they scientists, engineers or mathematicians from the STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine) or the periphery, and an ability to communicate with them in a common language. The company is based in west London, provides face to face courses in the London region and webinars, but has a global reach via telephone and video conferencing.
Unit 17
Hurlingham Studios
Ranelagh Gardens
T: 0207 736 6889