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Rockstar Mentee: Parmi Jutlay, Continu Ink

Rockstar Mentee: Parmi Jutlay, Continu Ink

Parmi Jutlay talks about his mentoring experience with Rockstar

Parmi Jutlay had been running eco-aimed printer retailer Continuink for four years when he got in touch with the Rockstar Group after an exhibition. Parmi jumped at the chance of engaging their services, needing a mentor to guide the company through the phase beyond start-up, where their message could be broadcast to the consumer. “Marketing and PR was where we needed help and advice,” he says.

He soon found himself liaising with Rockstar mentor Jonathan Pfhal, and has since seen Continuink’s presence on the web skyrocket. “On Google, Rockstar have made the difference here. About five months ago, if you typed ‘Continuink’ into Google it’d come back saying it couldn’t find it, but now it ranks because Rockstar have got it there.”

Parmi and Jonathan communicate once or twice a week via email, and there’s contact either by phone or in person for a monthly check-up. Parmi has nothing but praise for Jonathan’s advice, insisting it’s always been useful.

“I remember one time where he did suggest to me that something wasn’t the right avenue for me and I did disagreed with him at the time, but he was right.” Parmi followed his mentor’s advice and claims it saved him £1,500.

“I feel I’m not alone with some of my decision-making,” says Parmi. “Being able to vent my views to a mentor makes me realise errors, and with the help of a business mentor costly mistakes can be avoided.”

It’s not a completely one-sided however. Parmi believes Jonathan really loves his work. “I think the physical buzz for him is to see people and companies do well, take on more staff, and move in that direction. It gives him a real kick.”

Parmi also feels the investment in an experienced mind to guide a young company is invaluable. “Having the ability to speak with someone who has your best interests at heart – I would definitely recommend it.”