SpacePink is an independent company specialising in Homesearch (for all buyers), Rentals and Property Management for tenants and landlords.
Mentor: Jon Wardle
Company: Focus Environmental
Mentee: Antonia Wilson
Company: SpacePink
Unlike other programmes of its kind, WBC creates Mentoring Meet Up events, whereby mentors and mentees meet each other and discuss business issues and support needs. Bringing together some of Westminster’s most exciting businesses and those with a passion for helping them creates an exciting atmosphere that allows mentees and mentors to connect on a personal level – the perfect environment to find a great mentor! Antonia attended the third WBC Mentoring Meet Up and identified Jon Wardle as the sort of mentor whose knowledge could help her in running her property company, SpacePink.
Like so many small businesses say to Westminster Business Council, one of the most valuable aspects of the mentoring programme is the ability to have someone to sit down and chat through some important issues. As Antonia says she can ‘voice the challenges I face and receiving input and various ways of looking at things and tackling the problems’.
From just 90 minutes with her mentor, Antonia identified ‘the 3 most pressing decisions that I have to make and put together a 4-week plan of action.’ The Mentoring Programme has therefore encouraged Antonia to step away from the running of her business, ask key questions of SpacePink so that she can constructively address issues and make changes where necessary.
Andrea learnt a range of valuable skills from her mentor, including pricing methods so Antonia could discover if she was under charging for her services.
It’s been beneficial for me to be able to discuss my issues with someone who has actual academic business qualifications in addition to experience and is able to apply models to what I’m doing in a way I wouldn’t have had the know how to do.