About BBPN the Business Best Practice Network
BBPN is the portal used by a growing network of business people committed to sharing best practice in business.
Specialist Mentors
Our members are seeking to identify and adopt best practice. Our specialists are mentorsin particular industries or disciplines. Together, we’re creating a pool of practical resources that is of real value to those wanting to grow and develop their business or help others to do so.
Mentoring tools
The Business Best Practice Network gives you access to benchmarking and proven business tools created for sharing, mentoring and coaching. These tools are accessible, easy to deploy. We specialise in feedback-based improvements and help our members learn what they need to do to improve their business.
If you’re a business owner or manager who is interested in improving your business, become a BBPN Network Member. Dip into free resources as and when you need it: Discover the benefits of BBPN Network Membership >>
If you’re a business mentor, coach or consultant: Use the network’s resources and powerful online survey tools to deliver high impact projects to your own clients: Learn more about becoming a BBPN Practitioner >>
If you are a subject matter or industry specialist then raise your profile and contribute specialised content and get qualified business leads as a BBPN Specialist Associate: Find out more >>
However you choose to use the network, you’ll find ideas, tools, and sources of support to help you with your business challenges.
3 Ellesmere Court
311 Buxton Road
SK11 7ES
T: 08456 520897
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