This Speed Mentoring Event Toolkit, developed by the Small Firms Enterprise Development Initiative (SFEDI), aims to provide an 'off the shelf' guide for organisations that would like to run a speed mentoring event to connect mentors and businesses.
It provides a generic format for a speed mentoring event, associated communications, and some ideas for additional activities to support the event. It starts with a quick guide to give you an overview of what’s involved and then goes into much more detail about the considerations for each element of the event.
SFEDI has developed this guide to encourage more organisations across the UK and beyond to deliver mentoring events and similar activities. If you benefit from the information we’ve provided here we would love it if you gave us small credit in your event communications. Also, it would be fantastic if you helped us build on this guide by letting us know how the event went for your organisation and, of course, we’ll credit you in this guide too.
The SFEDI Group of companies deliver enterprise learning, qualifications and projects across the UK, please get in touch if you’d like to discuss any ways we can collaborate or support your enterprise activities.
We wish you every success with your speed mentoring event.